Improve Your Bench Press, Shoulder Health, & Posture

Designed to optimize exercise mechanics and performance.

The #1 Rated Longevity & Performance Product For Strength Training

As our understanding of mobility and muscle mechanics has expanded, the equipment behind this training has stagnated, until now.

Meet The Launch Pad

Take your training to the next level with The Launch Pad! Instantly transform any bench into a shoulder-friendly performance enhancing tool. Improve your form & mobility, and build strength faster with our patent pending innovation.

- Strength & Longevity Equipment -

The Ultimate Strength Training Tool

For the first time, The Launch Pad combines everything you need to build muscle and strength in one convenient place. It's versatile, easy to use, and is built to improve your performance,

Stronger, Safer, & More Effective

The Launch Pad provides a stable, ergonomically-sound base that optimizes mechanics and supports proper posture, making it easy for you to balance and stabilize. This allows you to train more efficiently, safely, and effectively with more weight than ever before, which helps you build strength and muscle mass faster.

Innovative equipment for the lifter & coach

Powerful, durable, and innovative strength equipment for the lifter and coach. The Launch Pad isn’t a machine, it’s a tool. It doesn’t replace any apparatus or lift, but instead, eliminates the problems that plague traditional training. It’s the only tool that helps beginners learn the fundamentals and helps experienced lifters perfect their form and technique, get stronger, and improve performance.

"It takes every movement to a completely different level"
- Jerry Robinson
"This is going to be life changing for my workouts"
- Nick Smith
"Greatly Reduced Shoulder Pain & Strain"
- Tom Gile
"Every gym, school & training camp should have this"
- John Mollet

Our Story

Designed With Purpose

Our products are supported by scientific research, peer-reviewed, university-tested, used by top-tier brands, and trusted by some of the biggest names in the fitness industry. We are proud to provide products that can be used in schools, commercial gyms, home gyms, performance centers, and athletic facilities.


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