Brandon "Midwest Kong" Copeland Tops Brandon Conley's World Record!
The setup took place in front of the Boathouse Bar & Grill, at DeRivera Park, which is on the island of Put-In-Bay, Ohio.

And disappoint them, he did not!
After the benching, he put his hands over his face, and the emotions began to pour in.

When asked what was going through his mind he replied, "Today wasn't about a record breaking performance! I'm 42 years old, my body will only perform at this level so long. 18 years ago at that bar, a person almost murdered me, and today I get to make headlines again by being the oldest athlete to press 225 lbs that many times. Because in 2004 I almost didn't make it through the night."

Kong added that there are a few people who can do more, but he still believes that it's his why that matters, and he isn't sure if all people have a genuine why.
Families, islanders, and others all came out to support the event as Kong greeted, took photos with everyone there.

When asked what was next, he replied "315 for 45 repetitions or more, if my body holds up! Regardless, that is my next goal, and that’s gonna be insane"
If you want to follow MidWest Kong, he's on Instagram: MidWest_Kong & YouTube: Brandon "MidWest Kong" Copeland.
Kong's story is an inspiration to anyone who has ever faced adversity. He has shown that no matter what life throws at you, with dedication and determination, you can overcome anything.
Kong's story is also a reminder that age is just a number. He is living proof that you are never too old to achieve your dreams.
While Kong's story is about overcoming adversity, it is also about setting and achieving goals. He has shown that no matter what your age, if you set your mind to something, you can achieve it.
Kong is an inspiration to anyone who has ever felt like they are too old to achieve their dreams.
Video footage below.